
5 tips to preserve your handbag without losing its shape

To help handbags and wallets maintain their original appearance and not become distorted after a period of use, users should try the following 5 methods.

Many people tend to buy accessories that match their clothes. But when organizing and cleaning up the closet, you only pay attention to the clothes but still have bags and wallets piled up within reach.

This makes it easy for bags ranging in price from affordable to high-end to lose their shape, quickly deform and appear scratches. To avoid products being replaced quickly, users should learn some simple but effective ways to preserve bags below.

5 mẹo bảo quản túi xách không mất form dáng. Ảnh minh họa: Alamy

Classification of types of bags

Like clothes, the first thing before organizing is to compile and inventory all the bags you currently own. Then sort them into groups: continue to use, donate, sell or throw away before starting to arrange.

Ben Soreff, an expert at cleaning service company H2h Orgenizing (UK), advises users to think of reasons not to use them, instead of trying to hoard them just out of regret.

In case your storage room is too small or there is no space left, boldly put 3 wallets or bags. For rarely used bags, place them in the living room cabinet, under the bed or in the spare bedroom, instead of trying to cram them in the closet.

Túi xách cần được sắp xếp, phân loại như quần áo. Ảnh minh họa: Sharps

Stuff the bag with soft paper

In fact, many people collect expensive bags and consider them as a long-term investment, so they don’t want them to be dented or deformed. So before arranging, stuff the inside of the bag so that it retains its original shape.

Note: In addition to specialized bowel forms that help keep you in shape, you can stuff anything soft into your bowel, such as a tissue or shopping bag.

Store on shelf

If you have a spacious wardrobe, the simplest way is to stack your bags next to each other. The most ideal storage space is the top shelf because you don’t change bags as often as you change clothes.

However, you still need to make sure each bag has enough space to breathe, to avoid them being jostled and deformed. Megan Watkins, an expert at fashion brand SilkFred (USA), advises that users can use partitions or magazine racks to lean the bag against and keep other small products upright.

Túi nên được đặt trên các kệ riêng biệt thay vì nhồi nhét trong tủ. Ảnh minh họa: Alamy

Use hangers

There are actually many ways to store handbags, besides stacking them on shelves. Accordingly, if your closet has hanging bars, use hooks to hang purses and bags.

This solution is often applied to large sized products. They also help you keep your bag in shape and quickly find the product you need.

Take advantage of empty space

If your family has little storage space, take advantage of the available space. You can attach small baskets to the inside door of your closet and place bags inside. According to experts, this effectively frees up space for shelves and hanging rods.

If your door can’t be pulled out, try hanging a storage box on the door or top of the cabinet.

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